TRINA is dedicated to quality performance and has the vision and the
commitment to assist our clients to be competitive and successful in
business. Its professional and smooth service has been appreciated by both
national and international clients since 1995.
Our main objective is to support your project, such as own production facility, joint venture or production subcontracting, to solve your specific problem with regard to company set-up and its management.
Moreover TRINA provides comprehensive business services on human resources including recruitment
of local and foreign specialists as well as services on financial reporting,
cost control, accounting and translation.
Starting with the feasibility study until the operational
start-up, TRINA suggests to you the optimal solution
matching your requirements, supervises the implementation and also represents
your interests locally toward joint venture partners, banks, lawyers and
governmental authorities in Thailand.
As an
active member of both Swiss-Thai and German-Thai Chambers of commerce, TRINA
also shares up-to-date business information with other companies and contributes
to the maximal benefit for foreign investors in Thailand, by joining the
negotiation with governmental bodies.
Entrust your requirements to TRINA and
you are certain that its consulting service is fast, according to budget,
without anxiety and disappointment.